Recent content by Vir

  1. Vir

    Introduce Yourself!

    Booting... Booting... > Enter a directory: > C:/Virdan/Social/NewPeople/Greetings/greetings.exe ... ... > Run greetings.exe? (y/n) > y Running... Henlo! I'm Vir, nice to meet you and all that :3 I'm a dumb kid with some dreams, you know, like any other bum off the street you can find. I...
  2. Vir

    def pain(): while True: print("Pain.") world_does_suck = True if world_does_suck...

    def pain(): while True: print("Pain.") world_does_suck = True if world_does_suck: pain()
  3. Vir

    A Very General "Discussion"

    For real though, you look like a 40 year old woman who eats car tires because of their "cleansing" properties
  4. Vir

    A Very General "Discussion"

    Hi, Vir here! I'm simply putting this up here because I'm bored (kek), so we're going to play a small game in this thread! Trust me, nothing hard like addition, just the basic stuff! So, the game we're going to play is "Insult the Above Person's Profile Picture!" For those who don't know what...